These are a example of weathering. Weathering breaks down rock. Water, wind, and wind break down the rock. Water seeps through cracks in the rock. As the temperature drops the water freezes and causes it to explained. This breaks down the rock. Then Erosion comes into play.

You may not understained what Erosion is. Erosion is the moving from one place to another. The same things make this happen water and wind. These things move from one place to another. Such as the sediments or soil in the water in picture two. The first picture shows how a sand doom is being moved by erosion. Take a gess at what the last thing in this post. I’ve said weathering and erosion.
Deposition is when the water and wind hand relocated sediment or soil. Picture explains that bey showing sand being pushed from each side of the river as it goes with the current. Picture two shows where these rocks had been moved from their original spots or from the rock it used to be attached to.