December,7 1941


P- Pearl Harbor will never be forgoten

E- Early December,7 1941

A- Air ships from Japan atactted

R- Remembrance Day

L- Later in world war 2 presendent Roosevelt died


H- Hawaii

A- Arizona is sunk and has been made into a memorial

R- Reavling World War 2

B- Battle ships were sunk or damaged

O- Ofishally the time it started was 8:00 am

R- Radar showed that the planes were coming

Jamestown or Plymouth

P – Pilgrams

L – landed near Cap Cod

Y – Yeast

M – Mayflower

O – October

U – Used fish to grow crops

T -Thinks Giving

H – Historical


I would live in Plymouth because they didn’t come seeking gold and silver they came seeking freedom. The indians helped more than they did Jamestown. They mad Things Giving to celibate the indians by giving them a feast.

Henry Hudson

                                                                           June 1611

                                                  Explorer                                 Gazette     


In 1610 Henry Hudson was frozen in a bay that would later be named after him. In1611 the bay unfroze and him and his crew sailed away. The crew thought he was sailing home until they relised  the he turned ship west to find the Northwest passage way to the Pacific Ocean. The crew put Henry his son ,and 7 other loyal crewmen into a small boat with no oars. Hudson, his son, and the other 7 crewman were never seen again. I bealive they were left to to die in the frezing cold wether in Hudson Bay. What do you think happened to Henry Hudson?